Bennett is responsible for the certification and technical services provided by ASNT to its customer base. This includes the domestic and international ASNT NDT Level II and III qualification program, ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP), and the Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel (IRRSP) program.
As trustees and leaders of the society, the members of the ASNT Board of Directors are selected to bring breadth and depth of experience and understanding, coupled with qualities of character, vision, leadership and responsibility to justify the faith of the members in electing them to lead and guide the society.
Due to the critical nature of nondestructive testing (NDT) in ensuring the safety and reliability of a plant, infrastructure, or facility, any technician performing NDT has to be trained and certified by an accredited body.
If necessity is the mother of invention, then nondestructive testing (NDT) would be among her favorite progeny, at least with the design engineers and manufacturing sect.