Editorial: Summer Break
‘Effective' communications
In the June issue, I asked about the difference between quality and effectiveness-results vs. the intricacies of measurement. The majority said that for something to be effective, there has to be a good quality foundation. Reader Tom Kelly used the analogy of a Kia and Lexus. Both get you where you need to go-that's effectiveness. The Kia may be in the shop more often than the Lexus-that's quality. I like that analogy. I hope you didn't miss the thrust of my column though. It's not whether true effectiveness has its roots in quality, because it does. However, can quality be consistently measured in all instances? And, should we be talking measurement and statistical intricacies or manufacturing measures such as scrap, rework, warranty costs, etc.?
A reply to the humorous suggestion I received from Rich Richardson: No, we won't be changing our magazine's name from "Quality" to "Effectiveness."
A class act
In the July issue of Quality, we had an exclusive interview with Dr. Joseph Juran. I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Juran. He continues to impress me as one of the true heroes of manufacturing. A genuinely warm and honest man, he is still sharp and still looking for new projects to undertake. And despite all his accomplishments, which a lesser man might let become ego or pride, Dr. Juran is, instead, a truly humble man. What a rare trait. I was able to spend 35 minutes with Dr. Juran in what was supposed to be a 15-minute interview and I could have spent hours more with him. This man has seen and made history and should be considered a national treasure. My hat's off to Dr. Juran, and I know he will be around long enough to deliver to me a hand-signed copy of the book he's currently penning.
Busy summer at Quality
Activity may slow down for many suppliers and manufacturers during the summer, but not at Quality magazine. I am proud to announce that Quality magazine is now a partner with Ed Pritchard in putting on the annual International Dimensional Workshop (IDW) Conference. We have been a sponsor of the event since its inception six years ago, and now that relationship takes another step forward. For our readers, this is another way for us to offer you the most comprehensive information about quality. IDW is the preeminent conference on leading edge dimensional measurement. Stay tuned to our pages for more information.
We also have started to set our editorial plans for next year, and in the next month or so, you will have that information. I am excited by what we will offer. But, you don't have to wait that long for new things with Quality. During the next few months you will see new ways in which we increase our commitment to be THE source for your quality needs.
Well, that's it for me now. Off with the Jimmy Buffett. Reach for a coffee, and back to a busy summer.
Tell me what you've been doing this summer, or what new things you see on the quality horizon, by writing me at williamst@bnpmedia.com.