From the Editor: Information Awareness
May 14, 2007
Life is filled with information. Information comes from the TV, radio,
newspapers and magazines, the Internet, and even each other. Sharing
information around the office water cooler is an age-old activity. Information is disseminated, received and deciphered. And finally, one must
decide what to do with all that information. Is the information actionable now,
later or not at all?
Life is filled with information. Information comes from the TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, the Internet, and even each other. Sharing information around the office water cooler is an age-old activity.
Information is disseminated, received and deciphered. And finally, one must decide what to do with all that information. Is the information actionable now, later or not at all?
Quality Magazine is in the information business. Our goal is to provide information that you can use. Information that is relevant to your job. Information that provides you with the knowledge to do your job better.
Today’s technology allows us to present that information to you in a variety of ways. You may choose to use the familiar print edition of Quality Magazine. Others may use our Web site, www.qualitymag.com, to gather information. Still others will use and act on the information Quality provides using our digital edition format. Our e-newsletter, Quality Update, may be what you use to gather information while on the go.
Our goal of providing information goes beyond our flagship publication, Quality Magazine and all of its offerings. We also produce special sections such as NDT for those using nondestructive testing and materials testing methods, and Vision & Sensors for those using machine vision and sensors technologies.
NDT was started in October 2003 to provide reports on the practical use and application of nondestructive testing and materials testing to improve product quality on the shop floor and in manufacturing planning. Detailed technology articles, case studies and products focus on NDT and materials testing equipment, services and training.
The bimonthly publication also provides information through its own Web site, www.ndtmag.com, e-newsletters and digital editions.
Our Vision & Sensors special section, launched in October 2006, offers practical, real-world solutions for those using vision systems, components and sensors in a manufacturing environment. It too has a Web site, www.visionsensorsmag.com, e-newsletters and digital editions.
I invite you to take a closer look at all of the ways in which we provide information and use them all, in combination with each other, to get a complete picture of the issues necessary to successfully implement quality technologies and strategies in your workplace. Each method complements the other and suits the continuous need for the most up-to-date and in-depth information necessary in today’s manufacturing environment.
Feel free to contact me at campbellg@ bnpmedia.com to let me know what other information you would like to see in our print and electronic pages, as well as what other methods you would like information delivered to you.
Life is filled with information. Information comes from the TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, the Internet, and even each other. Sharing information around the office water cooler is an age-old activity.
Information is disseminated, received and deciphered. And finally, one must decide what to do with all that information. Is the information actionable now, later or not at all?
Quality Magazine is in the information business. Our goal is to provide information that you can use. Information that is relevant to your job. Information that provides you with the knowledge to do your job better.
Today’s technology allows us to present that information to you in a variety of ways. You may choose to use the familiar print edition of Quality Magazine. Others may use our Web site, www.qualitymag.com, to gather information. Still others will use and act on the information Quality provides using our digital edition format. Our e-newsletter, Quality Update, may be what you use to gather information while on the go.
Our goal of providing information goes beyond our flagship publication, Quality Magazine and all of its offerings. We also produce special sections such as NDT for those using nondestructive testing and materials testing methods, and Vision & Sensors for those using machine vision and sensors technologies.
NDT was started in October 2003 to provide reports on the practical use and application of nondestructive testing and materials testing to improve product quality on the shop floor and in manufacturing planning. Detailed technology articles, case studies and products focus on NDT and materials testing equipment, services and training.
The bimonthly publication also provides information through its own Web site, www.ndtmag.com, e-newsletters and digital editions.
Our Vision & Sensors special section, launched in October 2006, offers practical, real-world solutions for those using vision systems, components and sensors in a manufacturing environment. It too has a Web site, www.visionsensorsmag.com, e-newsletters and digital editions.
I invite you to take a closer look at all of the ways in which we provide information and use them all, in combination with each other, to get a complete picture of the issues necessary to successfully implement quality technologies and strategies in your workplace. Each method complements the other and suits the continuous need for the most up-to-date and in-depth information necessary in today’s manufacturing environment.
Feel free to contact me at campbellg@ bnpmedia.com to let me know what other information you would like to see in our print and electronic pages, as well as what other methods you would like information delivered to you.