
Metris USA Changes Its Name to Nikon Metrology, Inc.

January 4, 2010

Following the announcement in late October of Metris becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nikon Corporation, the corporate name of Metris USA has now changed to Nikon Metrology, Inc.  Under the Nikon brand, Nikon and Metris will synergize their respective strengths with regard to a strong brand and cutting-edge technology, and together will offer products that feature innovative technology and a broad range of functions.

Strong Technological Capabilities

 Nikon Metrology, Inc. uniquely blends Metris’ innovation leadership in metrology with the globally recognized Nikon brand. “We are delighted to be able to join forces under the flag of the powerful Nikon brand”, states Myles Richard, Managing Director of Nikon Metrology, Inc.  “Together, we will grow our leadership position as an optical metrology innovator, leveraging the strengths of our highly skilled technology teams. By continuing to pursue product development, Nikon Metrology, Inc. will enhance its superior technological position, and provide its customers and business partners with strong, well-balanced, sales and service organizations.”