
Wilcoxon Earns AS 9100 Certification

April 22, 2009

GERMANTOWN, MD––Wilcoxon Research, a Meggitt group company and a supplier of vibration sensors and sensor networks, has been certified to the AS 9100 aerospace standard for quality management systems. This registration certifies that Wilcoxon meets the requirements of the aerospace industry.

Wilcoxon Research underwent a stringent registration audit of the company’s employees, processes and operations to ensure its quality assurance practices meet the requirements of the AS 9100 standard. It is a requirement to have AS9100 registration in order to provide products to the aerospace market.

Wilcoxon Research has been ISO 9001 certified since 1998, but the requirements of AS 9100 registration will result in an even more demanding quality system. “This is an exciting improvement for Wilcoxon because it takes our entire business to the next level,” says Tom Smith, vice president of sales and marketing, Wilcoxon. “Meeting the AS 9100 standard will improve the design, development and manufacture of products for aerospace and industrial customers alike.”

For more information, visit www.wilcoxon.com.