
Creaform Sells 1,000th Handyscan 3-D Laser Scanner

May 26, 2009

LEVIS, CANADA-Creaform, developer and manufacturer of the Handyscan 3-D line of portable, handheld and self-positioning laser scanners, has sold 1,000 laser scanning units. The announcement was made during the Handyscan 3-D Rendezvous 2009 user meeting held at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac.

Creaform launched its first scanner, the REVscan, in June of 2005. Four years later, the Natural History Museum of London, home of some 70 million items and center of research, purchased a VIUscan color laser scanner, making it the 1,000th unit sold by the company.

During the past four years, the company has grown from 45 to 200 employees and added four scanners to the Handyscan 3-D line-up: the EXAscan, the ERGOscan, the VIUscan and the MAXscan scanner for large parts. Plus, Creaform launched the HandyPROBE portable arm-free CMM.

"From the day we released this revolutionary and never-seen-before 3-D scanning technology, it took Creaform only four years flat to sell 1,000 scanners,” says Charles Mony, president of Creaform. “This tells how performing and reliable it is, and how versatile and profitable the 3-D community found it to be.”

Creaform also announced a 35% year-over-year revenue increase for Q1.

For more information, visit www.creaform3d.com.



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