
Jim's Gems: How Will You Respond

September 1, 2010

Many of the challenges and difficulties that come your way are not of your own making. However, did you also realize that neither are the joys and successes that happen along life's journey.

Though you didn't make them, you certainly can make the most of them. In so doing, you can move your life forward, in a positive way, no matter what else may be going on around you.

The key to success and fulfillment is to take whatever happens and to do something useful and valuable with it. That's a path you can follow no matter who is running your company, who you work for directly or what is happening with the economy.

Your daily thoughts and actions, along with your commitment, persistence and integrity are really what makes the most difference in your life. The way you respond is much more important than the specific events and circumstances to which you are busy responding.

No matter what happened yesterday, you have more opportunities today. See these happenings as unique opportunities that give you the ability to show the world just who you really are. How you respond to these opportunities will help bring about more of what you want and expect out of life. Don't waste an opportunity. You can do it by how you think and respond.




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