
ASM-Indian Institute Seeks 2009 Visiting Lecturers

September 24, 2008

MATERIALS PARK, OH - The cooperative Visiting Lecturer program of ASM International and the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) is seeking lecturers for 2009.

Qualified lecturers are ASM members who visit India; have experience with delivering technical presentations of interest to government, industrial or academic organizations; can lecture on current technological conditions in India; will be available between April 1 and December 31, 2009; and have definite travel plans to and from India using own funds.

The award carries with it an $800 honorarium to be used for travel expenses within India during the lecturer’s visit and a certificate of recognition to be presented at the ASM Leadership Awards Luncheon scheduled for October 2009 in Pittsburgh, Pa. during MS&T’09.

Deadline for application is February 1, 2009. For more information, contact Carole Chesla at 440/338-5151 ext. 5330, or e-mail carole.chesla @asminternational.org.