
Certification Management Council Seeks Applicants

November 9, 2009

COLUMBUS, OH - The Certification Management Council (CMC), which is responsible for the development and management of ASNT’s certification programs, is looking for qualified individuals to serve three-year terms as full, special or associate CMC members. New members will serve on one or more of the CMC committees based on their qualifications.

Qualification and Commitment Requirements

Full CMC Member
  • 10 years of experience in nondestructive testing and five or more consecutive years’ possession of a current ASNT NDT Level III certificate
  • experience in managing or monitoring compliance to an NDT certification/qualification program
  • employer support for travel to and attendance at two national and two regional meetings per year for three years
  • the ability to devote time necessary for CMC functions
  • resources to support applicant’s reasonable committee assignments that must be completed at his/her normal business location between meetings

    Special CMC Member
  • documented experience in the new method
  • experience in managing or monitoring compliance to an NDT certification/qualification program
  • employer support for travel to and attendance at two national conferences per year for three years
  • resources to support applicant’s reasonable committee assignments that must be completed at his/her normal business location between meetings

    Associate CMC Member:
  • seven years of experience in nondestructive testing possession of a current ASNT NDT Level III certificate for at least the past two years
  • previous involvement in an NDT certification/qualification program
  • employer support for travel to and attendance at a minimum of two national or regional meetings per year for three years
  • the ability to devote time necessary for CMC functions
  • resources to support applicant’s reasonable committee assignments that must be completed at his/her normal business location between meetings

    Fax, mail or e-mail a resume, a copy of your current ASNT NDT Level III certificate, a signed corporate letter of support and your preferred member type by February 15, 2010 to:
    Senior Manager ASNT Technical Services Department
    1711 Arlingate Lane
    PO Box 28518
    Columbus, OH 43228-0518.
    Fax (614) 274-6899
    E-mail: jhouf@asnt.org
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