BINDT Launches Online Qualification and Certification Forum
March 11, 2010
The British Institute of NDT has established a new online Qualification and Certification Forum at www.ndtnews.org/Forum. John Thompson has set up the following four topics at this stage:
Is the NDT industry ready for nuclear new build?
EN 4179: 2009 published – will this mean changes for aerospace personnel?
EN 473 and ISO 9712 to be harmonized – how will this affect PCN certificate holders?
What is an NDT method (or what isn't)?
There are already several posts on each topic. Anyone may add a relevant posting or topic. Items of interest to the NDT, CM and quality testing communities are welcomed, whether they are technical, market-related, job-related or of general interest. All forums on the Web site are moderated and no unsuitable or inappropriate postings are permitted.
The Forum's aim is to be live, interesting and controversial, so visit today, start posting and spread the word.
Is the NDT industry ready for nuclear new build?
EN 4179: 2009 published – will this mean changes for aerospace personnel?
EN 473 and ISO 9712 to be harmonized – how will this affect PCN certificate holders?
What is an NDT method (or what isn't)?
There are already several posts on each topic. Anyone may add a relevant posting or topic. Items of interest to the NDT, CM and quality testing communities are welcomed, whether they are technical, market-related, job-related or of general interest. All forums on the Web site are moderated and no unsuitable or inappropriate postings are permitted.
The Forum's aim is to be live, interesting and controversial, so visit today, start posting and spread the word.