
Trescal Opens Six New Calibration Laboratories

November 1, 2012

BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG—Consistent with its strategy to support its customers wherever they are located, Trescal Group opened six new calibration laboratories this year.

Calibration services are based on technical skills but also on a local service that ensures responsiveness and flexibility. For these reasons the group chooses to locate its laboratories closest to its customers.

Six new laboratories located in Bayonne,  Lyon and Nantes, France; Kecskemet (Hungary), Singapore and Tunis have thus emerged .

Whether the laboratories are opened in a brand new site or are set up on customer’s premises or even a refurbishing of existing sites the objective for the technical and logistics teams is to provide and ensure to their customers a consistent quality level for the calibration operations in the expected turnaround time.

Today Trescal’s calibration laboratories worldwide network comprises 60 sites and 90 customer’s satellites.