
RAPID 2013 Announces Keynotes and Conference

April 26, 2013

DEARBORN, MI – Keynote presentations and conference tracks at the 2013 RAPID Conference and Expositionwill explore existing and future applications of additive manufacturing, 3D printing and 3D imaging and their potential to transform manufacturing, according to the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). RAPID will be held June 10-13, 2013, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA.

“We’re bringing together many of the leading users of additive manufacturing to share their experiences and vision of the future,” said SME Business Development Manager Gary Mikola. “Our goal is to give attendees practical applications to improve their manufacturing operations, as well as a glimpse of what’s next for this exciting technology.”

Additive manufacturing (AM), often referred to as 3D printing, is a new way of making products and components from digital models and will have implications across a wide range of manufacturing industries. Located just 40 minutes from the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII), RAPID will include cutting-edge AM and 3D imaging technologies and the institute’s ongoing effort to help revitalize the American manufacturing sector. SME is heavily involved in technology transition and dissemination, and the education and training of practitioners through the institute.

For more information on Keynote presentations, please click.