New Products - NDT

Ultrasonic Thickness Gage
June 3, 2013
Olympus NDT introduced the handheld 45MG ultrasonic thickness gage—an advanced small-sized thickness gage packed with measurement features and software options. This unique instrument is com-patible with the complete range of Olympus dual element and single element transducers, making this innovative instrument an all-in-one solution for virtually every thickness gage application. Applications range from wall-thinning measurements of internally corroded pipes using dual element probes to very precise thickness measurements of thin materials using single element transducers. Ultrasonic thickness measurements are accurate, reliable, and repeatable. Instant readings can be achieved from one side of a material, making destruction of the part unnecessary.
The 45MG boasts powerful standard thickness measurement features and specialized software op-tions. For corrosion detection applications, the gage offers optional Thru-Coat® and Echo-to-Echo technology for measuring thickness with no need to remove paint and coatings, and time-based B-scan, which converts live thickness readings into cross-sectional drawings.
Olympus NDT
(781) 419-3900