
Asylum Research Announces 4th Euro AFM Forum

January 7, 2014
Santa Barbara, CA--Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments company, in conjunction with Georg-August Universität Göttingen, announces the 4nd Euro AFM Forum to be held March 17-19, 2014.  The Euro AFM Forum is organized as a venue where researchers can share and exchange cutting-edge AFM research in both material and life science disciplines. The conference offers attendees three days of lecture sessions by international keynote speakers, lectures selected by the conference committee, a poster session and image contest. The Forum also features live equipment demonstration sessions where attendees can learn about new AFM technologies, “ask an expert,” and receive tips and tricks. Demonstrated techniques will include high resolution and fast scanning AFM; blueDrive™ photothermal excitation and imaging in fluid; cell imaging / cell mechanics/ force measurements; nanoscale viscoelastic measurements; electrical characterization; and piezoresponse force microscopy.  The Euro AFM Forum is recommended for both experienced AFM users as well as for those scientists who wish to learn more about how AFM can contribute to their research

“We are very excited to hold our 4th Euro AFM Forum at Georg-August Universität whereby leading researchers may share their research with their colleagues,” said Ludger Weisser, Director of European sales, Asylum Research, Germany. “Asylum’s mission is to provide scientific solutions, not just instruments, and the Euro AFM Forum is a cornerstone for our relationships with researchers and an important part of our mission to share our knowledge with the AFM community.”

The Euro Forum lectures will include talks by these invited speakers:

• Andrei Kholkin, University of Aveiro
• Wouter Roos, VU University Amsterdam?
• Josef Käs, Leipzig University?
• Toshio Ando, Kanazawa University?
• Fernando Moreno-Herrero, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, Madrid
• Arnaud Caron, Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Saarbrücken?

 • Jason Cleveland, Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments company, Santa Barbara