
NDT Business Invests in a College Training Program

January 20, 2014

ALBERTA, CANDADA — Acuren, a nondestructive testing, inspection and engineering company will help fund a non-destructive testing program at Keyano College in Fort Murray, AB, Canada.

A memorandum of understanding was signed. It is estimated the agreement is worth more than $1 million annually.

In the last 35 years, only 18,000 people have become certified in this field, ranging from fabrication to oil and gas,” said Randy Curtis, general manager for the oilsands region of Acuren. “The ability to add locally trained individuals to the market will help industry greatly. Our business is to assess operating assets and provide services with reliability.

The model we are developing with Acuren facilitates the provision of the right skill set at the point of demand. It addresses a fundamental industry need, lowers the cost of training and links education (and) training jobs with industry,”said Kevin Nagel, president and CEO of Keyano College.