
AIA 2014 Board of Directors Election Results Announced

January 24, 2014
ANN ARBOR, MI — The 2014 AIA Board of Directors election results were announced during the AIA Business Conference in Orlando, Florida. Steve Mott, Vice President of Components Express, Inc. was named the new Chairperson.

The following board members were elected to new two-year terms:

• George Chamberlain, President, Pleora Technologies;
• Marc Marini, Director, National Instruments;
• John Merva, US Sales & Marketing Manager, Gardasoft Vision; and
• Steve Wardell, Interim Director – Imaging, ATS Imaging.

“I am honored to be named Chair of the Board and eager to continue AIA’s momentum,” said Mott. “Our goal is to expand AIA’s outreach globally, along with increasing vision education opportunities through growth of the Certified Vision Professional program. AIA will continue to build on its reputation as a world-class organization that supports marketplace growth for emerging and established vision markets.”

The other 2014 members of the AIA Board include Greg Hollows, Director, Machine Vision Solutions, Edmund Optics and Past Chair of the AIA Board; Jeff Burnstein, AIA president; John Jennings, chief commercial officer, Basler AG; Andy Long, CEO, Cyth Systems, Inc.; Todd Miller, general manager, JAI; Rusty Ponce de Leon, president, Phase 1 Technology Corp.; Keith Reuben, president, Teledyne DALSA Asia-Pacific; and Edward Roney, national accounts manager, FANUC America Corporation.

Michael Cyros, president, Allied Vision Technologies, Inc. is retiring from the board after more than a decade of dedicated service to AIA.