NAM Releases Statement on Andrews for Dept. of Commerce
WASHINGTON D.C.—National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons issued this statement on the nomination of Bruce Andrews for deputy secretary of the Department of Commerce:
“Manufacturers welcome the nomination of Bruce Andrews to serve as deputy secretary for the Department of Commerce. Bruce is a longtime ally of manufacturing and has shown a strong commitment to creating an atmosphere where manufacturing in the United States can thrive. Simply put, he ‘gets it.’ His time with Ford, combined with his legislative experience and work as Commerce Department chief of staff, make him uniquely experienced to take on this critical role.
The NAM looks forward to working with him and Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker to advance policies that increase trade, reduce tariffs and address the skills gap and workforce issues facing our country. We urge the Senate to give this critical nomination a timely review so that Bruce may put his considerable talents to use immediately in his new role.”
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