Quality magazine presents The Quality Show

Colin Thomson

Colin Thomson
Sales Engineer, Entropy Operations
BSI Group

Colin Thomson, has been helping companies, global, mid-size and small, improve their processes, train their teams and handle system certification and compliance for more than a decade. For the last 4 years, Colin has been collaborating with BSI’s software clients to create and configure QMS systems that drive improvement, reduce defects and deliver an engaged and quality-focused workforce.


Thursday, October 24, 10:30am - 11:00am

Bringing the Quality Out of Your Workforce by Bringing the Quality System to Them: Mobile Compliance and Engagement
The best QMS systems that drive continual improvement are the ones with organization-wide adoption and engagement. In an era of connectivity, this means bringing the means of improvement and quality to the workforce. In today’s BSI Entropy Connect Mobile demo, BSI will demonstrate how putting the power of the QMS into the hands of a mobile workforce yields improved audits, better data and analysis, and a workforce that feels they have skin in the game.
