Welcome to our ranking of perennial quality superstars. DIT-MCO International has been on our Leadership list for multiple years. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
Teledyne DALSA announced its Xtium™2-XGV PX8, a GigE Vision® compatible image acquisition board that features a real-time depacketization engine to convert GigE Vision image packets into ready-to-use images.
Smart Vision Lights (SVL) announces that its DoAll multifunctional light — which comprises six different machine vision lights — has received UR+ certification from Universal Robots.
An Industry 4.0 mindset and a “lights-out” style of operation is driving quality and manufacturing teams to integrate measurements and process controls more tightly. The hope is that localized, closed loops will provide great benefits, including lower manufacturing costs, lower labor costs, and improved product quality.
In today’s fast-paced industrial environment, the right support and service can make all the difference between a successful investment and a costly disappointment.
As brands and their suppliers adopt digital workflows to help accelerate product ideation and reduce waste, companies need to go beyond color and digitize both color and appearance characteristics.
Too much measurement uncertainty leads to incorrect conformity decisions, incorrect assessment of machines and production processes, poorer process quality and thus, increased production and testing effort.
One of many driving factors behind this automation growth is that the convergence of multiple technologies — including AI, robotics, and machine vision — has enabled the industry to democratize automation by making it easier to deploy and operate.