Rapid growth in electric vehicle sales along with an increasing interest in fuel-cell-electric powertrain systems presents the auto industry with serious and largely unanticipated quality-control issues.
Simple changes to how you use color measurement technology and the right training can significantly impact quality control and your bottom line. Here are seven questions every quality control manager should be asking.
Olympus Corporation (“Olympus”) and EVIDENT Co., Ltd. ("Evident"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Olympus announced that Olympus concluded a definitive agreement with Bain Capital Private Equity, LP (“Bain Capital”), regarding the transfer of Evident.
ETQ, part of Hexagon, announced that it has appointed John Taylor, its former Senior Vice President of Engineering & Operations, to Chief Technology Officer (CTO), effective immediately.
Motivation for wanting to be an auditor is critical to be an effective auditor. I have concerns when someone expresses to me that “I am tired that this is not being done or everyone is getting away with this or that.”
Smart manufacturing, like many other industry “smart” initiatives, harnesses a plethora of integrated people, process, and technological elements to drive successful value creating outcomes.
Regardless of the business you have customers and some of them are unhappy. Coping with these customers is an inevitable part of everyday business life and how you deal with them is a predictor of success.
Rube Goldberg is an American cartoonist well known for his illustrations depicting overly elaborate devices designed to accomplish relatively simple functions. These types of devices became widely known as Rube Goldberg machines.
Combining the best of metrology and other industries creates products that are simple for the operator to use while also providing very complex measuring results.
There is a blur between the advances in metrology and the use of advances from other industries. But sometimes, combining the best of both worlds creates products that are simple for the operator to use while also being able to provide very complex measuring results.