Cal Test Electronics is introducing three new active probes to its comprehensive offering of differential oscilloscope probes. The three new probes provide unique features so users can find just the right one for their measurement application.
Many times, in the world of quality, there are resources available that are unknown to many of our colleagues. One of these resources is the standard ISO 10012: 2003, “Measurement management—Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment.”
This is an area of gage making that takes something simple like a go/nogo plain plug gage and adds another feature for another check, such as hole depth.
Within a metrology inspection environment, fixturing is a three-step process of positioning, locating and securing a workpiece within a measuring volume for inspection.
The ASQ World Conference in Fort Worth, Texas, brought people from around the world together to talk about quality and change. The sessions discussed Quality 4.0, digital disruption, and continuous improvement.