When looking for a NDE service provider the task can be daunting, but with thought and planning put in place you can build a consistent process in selecting a high quality provider.
In the past, proficiency testing (PT) items and participation frequency were formulated by accreditation bodies, regardless of the scale, customer type, and economic conditions of a laboratory.
Over the past 90 years, the Vickers test has proved to be an all-around respectable performer in a wide variety of applications, some of which the inventors never dreamed possible.
Professional measurement systems such as laser distance meters, laser scanners, level-instruments, machine-control and monitoring systems are often mobile or temporarily installed and are thus ideal applications for wireless communication.
In the production environment, where tight tolerances are a way of life, it’s critical to think about gaging requirements before putting instruments out there and possibly having them not meet expectations.
Adrianus Pijper, in the South African Journal of Science, called the microscope “man’s noblest, supreme, and most far-reaching tool,” according to the Microscopy Society of America. And this was in 1939.
Recent advances in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particularly in the benchtop realm, enhance quality control procedures of laboratories across a wide range of industries.
Advanced technology for leak testing now provides opportunities to improve quality and save money even in applications where expensive helium systems are customary.