Due to the critical nature of nondestructive testing (NDT) in ensuring the safety and reliability of a plant, infrastructure, or facility, any technician performing NDT has to be trained and certified by an accredited body.
Multisensor metrology systems have evolved over the past 20 years to integrate a wide array of sensor techniques—optical, laser, touch-probe, white light and scanning probe.
Visualize the large tool, the cabinet of Figure 1, being on your company’s or agency’s premises. What is it? What can you use it for? It’s mainly intended for stressing, for finding weaknesses in, your electronic and other assemblies.
A new interoperability standard for Manufacturing Quality Measurement Information
August 23, 2013
The Dimensional Metrology Standards Consortium (DMSC) has formally approved four technical specifications that will standardize three critical digital information exchange interfaces for model-based manufacturing quality measurement. These technical specifications have been submitted to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for standardization and will be known collectively as the Quality Information Framework (QIF) v1.0 .
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) based on laser technology has witnessed incremental acceptance in the NDT industry since the early 1990’s with shearography and holography interferometry as the most widely recognized techniques based on this technology.