Gabriel Hughes was once asked to calibrate a 2x4 at a previous job. While this may sound strange, the customer sent it in to have the precise dimensions calibrated. The wood was used to keep a door closed at a certain height, which they needed to monitor because of airflow.
No one wants to spend time making scrap, and automation is one way to avoid or at least minimize quality issues. Rather than spending time making products that aren’t up to specification, operators will make good parts and catch quality issues earlier.
A good day on the shop floor has everything running smoothly. No issues with machines, staff, or suppliers, and products are shipped on time and without defects.
Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, a five-time space shuttle astronaut who spent more than 50 days in space, described her experiences in flight – highlights included the 90-minute trip to circle the Earth and experiencing weightlessness – for a special Women in Metrology event at CMSC 2019.
Daniella Picciotti still remembers her first auditing experiences. On a supplier audit with more senior colleagues, it was difficult to determine her role.
A focus on customers should help any organization improve. Satisfy the customer and success will follow, or so the thinking goes. And it makes sense. Without customers, the best product or service is irrelevant.
Long-time quality professionals agree: the industry is not the same as when they started. No longer are quality managers seen as the police officers of the plant, checking to make sure nothing has gone wrong.
The ASQ World Conference in Fort Worth, Texas, brought people from around the world together to talk about quality and change. The sessions discussed Quality 4.0, digital disruption, and continuous improvement.