Shane Collins often hears people say that there aren’t any additive manufacturing standards. This is frustrating because he’s worked on additive standards for more than 10 years and there are dozens out now.
Navin Dedhia has been a pillar of the quality community since the 1960s, speaking and working on five different continents about the importance of quality.
Inspection reports that take less work can be a great way for an organization to save time and money. Manufacturers have always been interested in being efficient, but during these uncertain times, it makes more sense than ever.
Good leadership is necessary for any successful company, no matter what circumstances surround your business. But in times of crisis it becomes even more important. How your company weathers this crisis may have lasting effects for years to come.
Inspection reports are an invaluable part of the manufacturing process in many industries, and first article inspections are especially common in aerospace, defense, automotive and medical devices. In other words, if high quality is essential, these reports often are too.
It’s hard to know what’s next. This remains true in business and in life, and it feels especially true right now. The news seems to change on a daily and hourly basis. Predictions about the pandemic can seem out of date within a few days.
In today’s aerospace manufacturing environment, compliance to standards such as AS9100 is often not optional. A critical part of the AS9100 process involves first article inspection reports.