BELLINGHAM, WA — Echo Ultrasonics announced the introduction of a high temperature ultrasonic couplant, EchoTherm Extreme, offering the highest operating range of any couplant on the market.

With an auto-ignition point above 1,300°F, EchoTherm Extreme increases the operating window at which ultrasonic inspection can safely be performed. Gene Larson, developer of EchoTherm Extreme explains, “We are aware of multiple incidents of surprise auto-ignition from couplant used in refinery ports. This unexpected flame can have dire consequences. EchoTherm Extreme reduces the possibility and liability of couplant auto-ignition.”

With EchoTherm Extreme, readings are instantaneous as there is no wait time for a high temperature polymer to melt before transmission occurs. The duty cycle is much shorter; therefore, the transducer does not heat as quickly as there is less time in contact with the hot surface.

There is no polymer residue to interfere with subsequent testing. EchoTherm Extreme will cover all high temperature corrosion, flaw and thickness testing needs for all applications. For more information, visit