Dr. Ben Tomic is our 2025 Quality Professional of the Year. With nineteen competencies on his CV and 50 skills on LinkedIn, he is a valuable asset as a certified quality engineer (CQE) or AS9100 lead auditor. He also highlights the importance of emotional intelligence in his work.
If you're looking to learn more about management, auditing, engineering, Six Sigma, supply chains, or calibration, there's someone I'd like you to meet.
Dr. Milton Krivokuca, our 2024 Quality Professional of the Year, shifted from manufacturing to education, guiding students to faster degrees and career advancement. He actively promotes quality assurance programs and stays updated on industry trends like Quality 4.0, proving his dedication and expertise.
Quality sat down with John Vandenbemden, principal of Q-Met-Tech, LLC, as well as its 2022 quality professional of the year to discuss his upcoming presentation at The Quality Show titled, “Inspection Versus Auditing.”
His colleagues say there's no one like him. He's been described as that rare person who can teach anyone about technical subjects, listen carefully, win over skeptical staff, and even emcee a retirement party with just the right mix of humor. Meet the 2023 Quality Professional of the Year.
Auditors may not have a reputation for great comic timing and super sweet dispositions, but that’s where John Vandenbemden stands out. Meet our 2022 Quality Professional of the Year.
Navin Dedhia has been a pillar of the quality community since the 1960s, speaking and working on five different continents about the importance of quality.
The warmth of spring brings flower and green lawns, and it also brings awards and recognition to the quality profession. Recognition abounds; both Quality Magazine and ASQ have dedicated significant time and resources promoting, validating and now honoring individuals who have made a significant impact to the quality community.
The problem would go away only to return every few months. The manufacturing mystery continued for about seven months, with each failure costing $26 in raw material alone.
In my younger years, whenever I heard “It is better to give than to receive,” I thought it related to birthday and Christmas presents. Now—because with age comes wisdom—I understand that giving has a much broader meaning.