imc Test & Measurement, an Axiometrix Solutions brand, announces the release of imc STUDIO 2024, the new and improved version of the test and measurement software for the entire measurement process. The most important new features include more efficient input and management of metadata for documenting measurements, for example in test and boundary conditions, as well as support for convenient calibration of measurement microphones and a Python® interface for enhanced data analysis options in post-processing. Overall, functionality and usability have been improved along with faster reaction speeds when working with configurations of hundreds of active channels.

In order to enable test engineers working with IMC measurement systems and data loggers to concentrate even more on their core competence in the future, namely the reliable execution of measurements and sound interpretation of their results, imc STUDIO’s efficiency, functionality, and user-friendliness have been further enhanced. These enhancements include comprehensive measurement documentation options using metadata, new useful interfaces, and the recording of the complete calibration history of measurement microphones for the purpose of traceability and trend detection.

To draw the most accurate conclusions from the results of complex measurement series for later analysis, it is beneficial to carefully document all important additional information on test conditions and any parameters or environmental variables that  changed during the process. This is the best way to gain the most valuable insights from valuable and carefully compiled measurement data. Imc STUDIO offers a convenient solution for managing metadata. It can prompt for input and then assign metadata in text or numerical form to measurement data, which is available both in FAMOS and for display and editing in display panels and reports.

The new Python® interface opens up the possibility of combining measurement data with one of industry’s most popular programming languages – for instance in the fields of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) – in post-processing. This opens up new, innovative ways of analysis by integrating algorithms coded in Python® and offers the opportunity to benefit from a global and collaborative open-source community. For users who already use established workflows and processes with Python®, imc STUDIO fits in seamlessly. 

As standardized software, imc STUDIO 2024 supports all previous generations of imc systems, in particular the new imc ARGUSfit data logger with all current modules and functionalities.

imc Test & Measurement