I have provided updates of the progress and development of ISO 10012 over the past three years. I am happy to say that after three years and numerous meetings the Draft International Standard (DIS) ISO10012 Quality management – Requirements for measurement management system has been released for review, approval, and comments. The Draft International Standard was released on 9/25/2024 and the process for review, approval, and comments ends on 12/18/2024. Twenty-two pages of comments were assessed by T/C 176/SC3/WG27 committee members, which is composed of members across the globe. These comments were collected and addressed from the working group draft of the standard earlier this year. The process of reviewing and addressing comments will be repeated after they are collected from each country through their review, approval, and comment process.

This process began with the release of the DIS document to members of US T/C 176 to provide their feedback on the Draft International Standard. To meet the 12/18/24 date the deadline for U.S. responses is on December 4, 2024. The US T/C 176 members are provided with the addressed comments from the working group standard for them to understand how the committee addressed a comment they may have submitted. If they disagree with a response, they do have the ability to resubmit their concern on the DIS. As a member of the committee, I can tell you that there were several significant changes made to the working group draft.   For those who are not familiar with ISO 10012 the following key points are provided in the Introduction of the DIS.

“The main objective of a measurement management system (MMS) is to have confidence in the validity and reliability of the measurement results. This includes managing the risk of measurement processes that could produce incorrect results affecting the quality of an organization’s products and/or services. The purpose of ISO 10012 is to provide an organization with the appropriate framework for implementing measurement management system requirements. ISO 10012 standard assists organizations who have or would like to establish a measurement management system. This standard provides the necessary framework for an organization in designing, maintaining and continually improving the measurement management system capability of supporting the measurement of the organization’s delivered products and/or services at the required quality level.

This is a major revision of the ISO 10012:2003, whose purpose is to establish the basis for an organization to develop a measurement management system for end-to-end application of measurement processes in the organization. ISO 10012 is implemented in process design and development, test, monitoring and delivering of valid measurement results. This revision also provides an organization the basis to demonstrate conformity to measurement management system requirements. This standard can be used by any industrial sectors requiring a measurement management system, and is complementary to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or any other management system standard.

The entire process is to compose and publish the best standard for a measurement management system. The result of this step of the process for Standards Development moves the standard one step closer to fulfillment.