R&R Fixtures now offers a full range of Optical Comparator fixturing for all your inspection needs, allowing you full capacity to position, stabilize and inspect your part with complete access and viewing circumference around the part.
When purchasing coordinate measuring machines (CMM) and vision or flexible gaging systems, fixturing is often overlooked until the inspection equipment has been commissioned and the first parts need to be measured.
Work holding fixtures for inspection devices have evolved over time and now have become, in some cases, as complex as the parts they are designed to hold. There was a day when some 1-2-3 blocks, knee blocks, double-sided tape and hot glue were all you needed to fixture parts for measurement on a coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
R&R Fixtures offers modular CMM, white light/ laser scanner fixturing tables up to 60 x 120 in. (1,500mm x 3000mm) in size to accommodate any size of part your application may need.
Alufix is a modular fixturing system made out of high-tensile aluminum for measuring fixtures, checking gages, assembly or welding fixtures, cubings, gages, meisterbocks, blue bucks, and data control models.