Integration of the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technologies enable even deeper insights. Users achieve more reliable interpretation of complex information in less time while boosting productivity and reproducibility.
In the quality management domain, AI undoubtedly has potential in different areas. It would be easy to think that AI could be a threat to less modern tools like statistical process control or render SPC obsolete.
Auditing is undergoing a paradigm shift, influenced by the rapid advancements in technology and data analytics. As organizations embrace more complex, digital processes, how they’re audited is changing.
As technology gets easier to use, vision and AI application design is no longer restricted to expert-level developers. A quality manager or IT operations staff can design, train, and deploy their own customizable workflow.
Today companies record process trends digitally. However, analysis is still conducted in much the same way, with operations staff manually identifying trends. Enter artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.