Consolidation is something we’ve all done. It’s efficient and can help save time and space and naturally leads to greater organization and productivity.
Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing is a song by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell from 1968. The idea expressed in the song was so strong that it was not long until it was co-opted by commercialism.
It’s said that our imagination is what separates us from other animals. The ability to take what we imagine and make it real—to create something from nothing—is genius.
Many of you have probably recognized that I am a fan of the television show The West Wing. Some of you will know the name and may have even watched the show, others will have no idea what I am talking about.
In the longest-lasting version of the hypothetical situation, a hungry donkey is placed equidistant between two identical bales of hay. Paralyzed with indecision as to which bale to choose, the donkey will inevitably starve to death.