Learn more about the expansion of NDE personnel certification schemes beyond SNT-TC-1A.
February 11, 2013
Traditionally in the United States, the basis for the certification and qualification of NDE personnel has been The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A.
1903 was a big year. The Wright Brothers took to the skies, the Ford Motor Company got on the road, and a young William Boeing left Yale and headed to the West Coast.
High-resolution and high-speed digital cameras are taking on a critical role in military and aerospace applications as the industry strives to achieve real-time image acquisition requirements while meeting an ever increasing demand for more “pixels on target.”
Most, if not all, quality professionals are aware that multisensor measurement systems have been around for a long time—since the 1980s, as some of us may remember—and they realize the obvious benefits when combining optical and tactile measuring into one system.
How much do you know about the inspection of functional thread depth?
February 1, 2013
The measurement of the depth of thread on an internal thread can be challenging. A quick and accurate way to check thread depth is to modify the go thread plug gage by adding a depth notch or depth step to represent the functional thread depth.