The ScopeCheck V features production-integrated tool or shaft measurement using the precision of the company’s multisensor coordinate measuring machines.
The RTR-5 family of data loggers is portable and waterproof with battery life up to two years. These units are suited for wet, freezing or high humidity environments.
A line of high-precision break resistant reflectors (BRR) for use with the company’s laser trackers is available, compatible with all models of the company’s laser tracker in a full range of up to 40 meters.
The Lw570 and Lw575 Series of color megapixel USB 2.0 cameras are for use in industrial and scientific applications where high-resolution and low-light performance are required.
The Maxos CMM solution includes a noncontact light probe, a bridge or horizontal gantry, a turntable option, installation, custom programming, training and maintenance.