Labino AB has introduced a new Ultra-Violet (UV) inspection system called Galaxy, used primarily in Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection (FPI) and Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI).
By integrating the most recent advancements in optical and digital technologies, the Keyence VHX-5000 Digital Microscope is able to instantly capture any area in complete focus—without the need for the user to adjust focus.
Mitutoyo America is now offering enhanced versions of its Mitutoyo IP65 Coolant Proof and MDC-Lite Micrometer line with exclusive, newly developed ABSOLUTE sensor technology.
ProFicient 3, an upgraded version of the quality control software, is primarily focused on fully automated data collection, real-time analysis and event generation services.
The Galileo AV1824 video measurement system, the largest in the Galileo line, offers versatility through its multi-sensor measuring capabilities including vision, touch probe and laser scanning.