Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing is a song by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell from 1968. The idea expressed in the song was so strong that it was not long until it was co-opted by commercialism.
Competing on product quality has never been more urgent as rising raw material and component costs continue to squeeze manufacturers’ margins. At the same time, unpredictable supply chains make it increasingly difficult to maintain consistent product quality and cost visibility.
Proper fixturing addresses several key parts of quality: It ensures that inspected parts remain in a repeatable and reproducible orientation on a measuring device.
Deep learning is now more user-friendly and practical than ever and together with other vision technologies opens up new application areas, making the inclusion of vision inspection as part of Industry 4.0 even more beneficial.
One constant in the ever-evolving machine vision space is the need for high-quality, consistent lighting. New challenges in the design and specification of machine vision systems require an innovative approach to lighting selection.