Some manufacturers will use a single-point calibration system to measure volumetric flow—however, a two-point calibration provides a much higher level of accuracy.
Your choice of leak test method and technology can make a substantial difference in the results of your test, affecting your throughput, repeatability, product quality, and cost.
Times change, technologies change, but the fundamentals of leak testing remain the same – the reliability and repeatability of your test results depend on how well you understand and compensate for testing variables.
Helium is in short supply and its cost is rising. Global sources may even run dry by the end of the century. And yet, it remains the dominant choice for trace-gas-based leak-testing on the production line. How can you make the most of this increasingly precious commodity for your critical quality assurance needs?
From e-vehicles to consumer electronics and implantable medical devices, standards and expectations for the quality and reliability of sealed devices and components continue to rise. This puts the burden on manufacturers to employ methods of leak testing that are objective, reliable and repeatable.