Jim's Gems: Repetition Brings Results
The actions, thoughts and words that become a permanent part of us are the ones we choose to repeat over and over again. Doing something once will certainly bring some kind of result, and doing it repeatedly will multiply its power many times over.
It is not possible for a single person to lift 1,000 pounds at one time (and without levers, pulleys, etc). However, it is definitely possible to lift one pound a thousand times. All it takes in stamina and will power.
There is tremendous power in the repetition of our thoughts and actions. All that is needed is for us to choose to make complete and purposeful use of that power.
We can add immense leverage to what we do by doing it again and again. We will give strength to our actions by persistently repeating them.
Nothing much of value is ever accomplished quickly and without commitment and dedication. As well, no skill is ever fully developed in a single day.
Let's take the time to make the effort over and over again. That time and those efforts will bring forth a great feeling of self-esteem, a sense of achievement. When that happens, we reap great rewards.
It is not possible for a single person to lift 1,000 pounds at one time (and without levers, pulleys, etc). However, it is definitely possible to lift one pound a thousand times. All it takes in stamina and will power.
There is tremendous power in the repetition of our thoughts and actions. All that is needed is for us to choose to make complete and purposeful use of that power.
We can add immense leverage to what we do by doing it again and again. We will give strength to our actions by persistently repeating them.
Nothing much of value is ever accomplished quickly and without commitment and dedication. As well, no skill is ever fully developed in a single day.
Let's take the time to make the effort over and over again. That time and those efforts will bring forth a great feeling of self-esteem, a sense of achievement. When that happens, we reap great rewards.