In the piece there was a quote that really hit me so I thought it would be interesting to pass on. Savage wrote, "If any young man expects without faith, without thought, without study, without patient persevering labor, in the midst of and in spite of discouragement, to attain anything in this world that is worth attaining, he will simply wake up, by-and-by, and find that he has been playing the part of a fool."
Although Savage was a champion of the working populace, he certainly held nothing back in that statement.
Certainly many people wish that the path to success, wealth, and happiness were easier than it really is, but as Savage said, that's "playing the part of a fool."
Definitely reaching success requires hard work. However, I believe it can be easier to succeed than it is to fail. I know a lot of people that won't agree with that statement but I believe it to be true. Read on to find out why I make this comment.
Most people assume that the path of least resistance is the easiest path to take but I maintain that’s simply not the case. Of course, we can certainly drift in our life’s journey but I've never seen people drift to their dreams or aspirations. I have, however, seen many people set worthwhile goals, take daily action, and wind up with all that they ever wished for and much, much more. For the most part, the daily action we take toward our goals isn’t all that challenging.
Doing the work that needs to be done everyday can lead to extraordinary achievement. It is much easier in the long run and takes less total energy to succeed than it does to do the alternative.
Using Savage’s vernacular, don’t be a fool. Don’t wake up one morning to discover, in Savage’s vernacular, that you’ve been ‘playing the fool’. Chart your path and take action every day that will help you succeed. Trust me on this and you'll be glad you did.
Think about it.