Nondestructive testing (NDT) and condition monitoring (CM) are crucial for ensuring product quality in manufacturing. Terahertz (THz) technology adds a non-contact method that uses safe far-infrared wavelengths to analyze materials, detect faults, and visualize structures, making it ideal for various insulating materials.
Predictive tools, standardized data, and self-learning production systems can go a long way in helping manufacturers save energy and minimize their environmental footprints.
As energy becomes more expensive and sustainability more prized, manufacturers are under the gun to reduce energy consumption. Process monitoring, which standardizes and optimizes manufacturing processes— helps to make this possible in the age of Industry 4.0.
Marposs has announced the availability of its Brankamp X1 and X3 in-process monitoring systems for cold and hot forming, thread rolling and stamping operations.
In recent years, developments in computed tomography have concentrated on the high-resolution meas-urement of large workpieces and materials that are difficult to penetrate.
Rohrback Cosasco launched the ULTRACORR 2, the next evolution in the portable ULTRACORR Corrosion/Erosion Monitoring System which provides the highest resolution and most cost effective, direct wall thickness and temperature measurement on a pipe or vessel.