Hardness testing, which began in the 1700s with Mohs' scratch test for minerals, evolved significantly by the early 1900s to focus on measuring the penetration of indenters under force. This shift led to the widespread adoption of three key methods—Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers—standardized by ASTM International between 1924 and 1952.
The right hardness test method depends on the material being tested and the specific requirements of the application. Understanding the differences among the available options helps determine which method will give you the best results.
A key distinction between Rockwell testers and the Brinell, Vickers and Knoop testers is that the latter three use optical technology, while Rockwell does not—which generally makes it less costly, makes testing quick and easy, and the surface finish of the specimen is not critical.
Rockwell testing is the most commonly conducted hardness testing, as the testing procedure is simple and the readings can be directly attained from the testing machine.
Many new products entering the market today are based on new materials and are manufactured using novel processes. These new materials are playing increasingly important roles—supporting innovation and boosting competitiveness in technology-driven industries.
By their nature, microhardness testers are delicate instruments. Extremely light forces must be accurately applied, and the resultant impressions must be precisely measured under high magnification.
Many new products entering the market today are based on new materials and processes. These new materials are playing increasingly important roles—supporting innovation and boosting competitiveness in technology driven industries.