I kept waking up at 7:47 and also noticed the same time on the clock in the evenings. When I mentioned it to my niece, she said it happens to her too, at a different time of the day.
Automation requires precise data and careful attention to uncertainty, especially in longer processes with less human involvement, according to Chris Gordon from Optronic Laboratories.
If drowning and in need of help, most people would yell for assistance. Similarly, choosing the wrong calibration equipment can have disastrous consequences.
The Deflategate scandal erupted following the 2014 AFC Championship Game between the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts when accusations emerged that the Patriots had intentionally deflated footballs to gain an unfair advantage.
In order for a measurement to be valid, i.e., to have measurement (metrological) traceability, it must be stated with its associated measurement uncertainty.
This article highlights the use of linearity and bias studies to extract information on the accuracy of measurements, highlighting instruments that may need further investigation.
“Measurement uncertainty is the expression of the statistical dispersion of the values attributed to a measured quantity. All measurements are subject to uncertainty and a measurement result is complete only when it is accompanied by a statement of the associated uncertainty, such as the stand deviation."