Accelerated weathering instruments are designed to reproduce the stress and damages caused by sunlight, heat, and water (rain/dew). Typically, testing can reproduce within weeks the damage that occurs over months or years.
Is ML Useful In Integration? You may (still) be wondering whether any of this stuff is actually useful in real-world integration and factory automation scenarios.
Recent advancements in sensor and optics manufacturing technologies for UV and IR wavelengths have made imaging systems for these wavelength ranges more accessible.
As of recent years, the demand for machine vision systems that capture information in the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) spectral ranges has increased as more integrators and end users venture into new application spaces.
Spectronics Corporation released the uVision™ 365 series of UV-A LED lamps for non-destructive testing, crime scene forensics, and more. The hallmark of the uVision series is its IP65 rating –the unit can be fully covered in dust and suffer no intrusion, and it is protected against jets of water from all directions.
Companies are increasingly using optical brightening agents (OBAs) to achieve a “whiter-than-white” effect on a range of materials, including plastics, paints and coatings and paper.