It’s time to invest. According to our 21st Annual Quality Spending Survey, respondents are interested in purchasing new equipment, software and services now.
In our 21st Annual Spending Survey, we’ve looked into who will be buying what and when. Despite the economic upset resulting from COVID-19, equipment budgets look to be steady, if not growing, for the next fiscal year.
Once the gift-giving ends, it’s time for the quality equipment spending to take off. January is typically when quality professionals start filling their quality wish list.
If you’re curious about what the plant down the road is buying, we have some answers for you. And if you’re wondering what types of equipment are popular right now, we’ve looked into that as well. In our 19th Annual Spending Survey, we also looked to identify the change in your approach to quality today as compared to a year ago, the spending on quality equipment and services overall, and the change in the budget within categories.
Whether in our work or personal lives, whether for an individual endeavor or to benefit an entire organization or whether collectively or subconsciously, we’ve all asked the question: What is the best approach to getting the best result?
Quality’s 18th Annual Spending Survey reports budget increases for a range of product categories.
January 1, 2018
January is not typically considered a season of growth, but Quality’s research reports a lot of it. It’s spending survey season and quality professionals are starting to invest in new equipment.
K-I-S-S. It’s a pneumonic device. Crude but effective, it helps us remember to keep things manageable. But, as we all know, many times the ease or difficulty of a situation is not up to us. Hence, the Cynefin model.