Automated robotics are the best way to mimic a human in a factory environment, experts say. A robot's automated camera could replace a person's eyes, a PC would represent the brain and robotic arms are movement.
The role of metrology is shifting. This is especially true in modern industrial settings and for increasingly exacting applications. Once perceived as a necessary evil residing in the quality control department validating the integrity of finished parts and components, today metrology is viewed more as an enabling technology that truly adds value.
Manufacturing is becoming automated on a broad scale. The technology enables manufacturers to affordably boost their throughput, improve quality and become nimbler as they respond to customer demands. Ultimately, this helps them become more efficient.
Most manufacturers looking to automate metrology are in search of a better way to handle inspection tasks and, in turn, be more efficient and profitable.
Much has changed over the years regarding the manufacturing process. Perhaps one of the biggest changes for modern manufacturers is that, today, it’s all about data.
Optical fiber manufacturers can quickly assess the geometry of their product with a new high speed automated measuring system from Arden Photonics. Designed for production and R&D environments, the FGC-G range delivers repeatable, operator-independent results in less than 10 seconds.