Mark-10 introduces its new Model ESM303 force tester, a highly configurable single-column solution for tension and compression measurement applications up to 300 lbF (1.5 kN).

Suitable for laboratory and production environments, the ESM303 is ideal for a wide range of tests, including break testing, cycling, limit testing to a load or distance, load holding, elongation testing, tensile testing, compression testing, and more. Generous travel, clearance, and depth dimensions are provided, while available single- and double-column extensions address larger sample applications. For convenience, the available FollowMeTM function simplifies test setup via hand-activated force-based positioning. Push or pull on the force gauge to dynamically adjust the crosshead speed.

Various test methods may be configured through the control panel, such as force and distance limits, cycling, preload, and many other functions, all protected by a password. Save up to 50 test profiles, for quick changeover and reduced downtime between tests. 

The ESM303 is engineered on a unique, modular function platform. Individual functions, such as travel measurement, cycling, and load holding may be purchased either upfront or enabled in the field through an activation code. This a-la-carte approach allows for custom configuration as appropriate for the application and budget.

Force and travel data can be output to a PC for graphing and analysis using MESURTMgauge software. For custom applications, the tester may be controlled from a PC utilizing a library of serial commands for motion control and data collection.

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