Most organizations have discovered that their future success hinges on reinventing themselves as a lowest-cost producer. One of the keys is to focus on actions that can impact real costs every day.
Like it or not, the quality engineer is, and has been, a part of pop culture. Granted, the perception and depiction of the quality engineer has not always been accurate, almost a caricature of a stereotype.
Quality management systems have been around for many years now, but you might ask yourself, why set out to comply with a written standard, and why be certified?
Leak testing helps manufacturers boost quality without unnecessary costs. It enables them to improve their production process, ensuring efficient assembly and minimizes scrap, delays, and cycle times.
Your company finally received that long-anticipated order for additive manufactured parts. Those parts are processed in record time and the order is promptly fulfilled. A week later … your worst nightmare comes true.
For as long as there has been commercial and military flight, aircraft component suppliers have been charged with providing dimensional and process control-related data.
No matter what manufacturing method is used in the creation of aerospace parts, CT scanning can nondestructively provide a wealth of highly useful information about any product’s integrity.
Robots are being added in locations that add value so companies can use human employees in higher value areas and tasks still beyond the scope of machines.
It is beneficial to look to the experience of industry experts who have already taken many steps to provide a combination of AI and computer vision solutions.
Unlike standard vision industrial cameras, AI or inference cameras belong to the device class of “embedded vision systems.” This presents manufacturers with completely new challenges.
PCMMs automated with the proper inspection software deliver user-prompted, repeatable inspection plans that can be quickly and easily set up and executed using virtually any 3D measurement technology across the manufacturing enterprise.