The obvious reasons for automating quality in manufacturing are to reduce scrap, rework, overtime and costs while simultaneously increasing productivity and customer satisfaction. The non-obvious reasons include employee satisfaction, customer referrals and market growth. Automation also give managers and line workers insights into ongoing production.
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. According to Ty Webb, “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line…in the opposite direction.”
Reverse engineering and quality control will continue to be growing applications for 3D scanning technology, along with newer opportunities in virtual and augmented reality.
What do Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Tyrannosaurus Rex named Trix, British water pipes, and a 1927 Ford Eifel have in common? They have all been digitized using professional handheld 3D scanners.
Find detailed, clear information on the correct use of metrology products and instruments - including proper nomenclature, valuable tool diagrams, readings and much more.
In a previous article, we observed how multi-sensor CMMs can perform 2D and 3D measurements interchangeably in a single run. Today, high-precision CMMs also can carry out form measurement functions, says David Wick, product manager at ZEISS Industrial Metrology.
It has been said that one of the greatest attributes of humankind is the want and need to bring order to and better understand the universe and our place in it. To do this, we have qualified, quantified, and categorized just about everything around us and analyzed and ranked the relationships among just about all things.
When arteries in the heart become blocked due to coronary artery disease, one of the ways to treat it is through the use of a coronary stent. These are tubular support devices that can be surgically implanted into the coronary arteries to keep them open, allowing the arteries to supply blood to the heart properly.
In business it’s easy to become complacent. Manufacturers can fall prey to continually repeating the same mistakes, disrupting production and damaging profitability.