Computers and software play a major role in force measurement and quality control, but computers and application software come with a variety of on-going support requirements.
Currently, there’s not enough data for designers and manufacturers to accurately predict the performance of some additive-manufactured parts.
April 10, 2018
NIST’s Material Measurement Lab contributes to the measurement methods, standards, data, and models required to realize the full promise of additive manufacturing.
Although he seems like the consummate quality professional, James Bossert ended up in the quality profession by chance. Today he’s spent more than 35 years in industries from automotive to cell phones to healthcare and consulting. His career has brought him around the country, and around the world. He’s worked in Texas, Michigan, Arizona, North Carolina and New York. Along the way, he’s written two books and edited four.
Advancements in laser measurement technology and the adoption of IO-Link communication are making complex inspections easier, more reliable, and more cost-effective.
Fast, reliable error-proofing is essential to ensuring consistent throughput without sacrificing quality. Manual quality inspections are often tedious and prone to error, and complicated vision systems can be expensive and time-consuming to implement.
Some companies make high quality look easy. One of our top companies has never been late for a customer delivery in 11 years of business. Another has a quality manager with 40 years of experience. Others always seem to be preparing for their next certification audit.
Handheld XRF (HHXRF) is the go-to tool for QA/QC, alloy identification and failure analysis of incoming and in-use standard industrial metals and alloys. Advancements in technology and data analysis software now make it an indispensable tool for non-standard and challenging QA/QC situations.
Quality professionals know the value of good measurement systems. They know that without trustworthy, high quality data you cannot make good business decisions. Unfortunately, most business people and many engineers don’t understand this value.
In today's social media world, news of a negative product review on the web can be spread around the globe before your damage-control team gets their boots on; because of this, manufacturers are focused now more than ever on preventing quality issues from shipping to market.