On August 5, 2021, East Coast Metrology, LLC. (ECM Global Measurement Solutions) announced a partnership with TECMED-3D, a dimensional measurement and metrology equipment rental company based in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
While some calibration challenges are ever-present, calibration—as with so many things this past year—has changed because of the pandemic. Manufacturers may have extended their calibration cycles for gages that were not being used, or put off calibration.
It’s not what you’re thinking. It stands for ‘overdue’ and nothing puts quality people into panic mode faster than the realization they’ve got some items in their system that are overdue for calibration and, of course, a quality audit is happening within a day or so.
In keeping with my recent columns summarizing the calibration of various gages, I offer this one as a catchall for the many precision hand tools used for measurements.
East Coast Metrology, LLC announced its immediate expansion into Canada through a partnership with Precitech Metrology, a full-service 3D metrology and precision alignment company based in Montreal, Quebec.
As time progresses, we continue to learn a great deal about quality. We have embedded quality in our processes, our measurement systems, and even our relationships. Although we still have much to learn, one cannot help but marvel at the transforming impact of quality.
As a branch of metalworking, a subset of fabrication, metal forming is a foundational process, involved in a wide range of parts assembly: from the metal stamping of consumer goods used at home to many of the component elements of airplanes and automobiles.